Saturday, February 21, 2009

3 year pictures

I got a new camera with part of our tax return this exciting! I decided to go with a Canon RebelXS EOS. This thing is amazing! I feel like an actual "photographer" when using it! So yesterday, I took Bree to Priest Point Park to play...and to have my own little photoshoot with her. She does like having her picture taken, but after taking like 35 picutres, all I was hearing from her was, "Okay, Mommy, that's all." I had to laugh at myself, I guess I didn't realize how many pictures I had taken. Then, after coming home and selecting my faves, I wanted all of your take on the pics...let me know which one(s) are your fave...the chosen one will be her 3 year pic that I will send to friends and family.

Here are a few other fun pics that I took as well...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Valentines Day

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Poor Tucker!

So our yellow lab, Tucker, has had quite the past 3 weeks. He has been struggling with an "ear hematoma". For those of you that are not familiar with these...

Docotor definition: An Aural Hematoma is a collection of blood under the skin of the ear flap of a dog or cat. Ear hematoma occurs much more commonly in dogs than in cats; a hematoma generally is the result of trauma to the ear flap from an injury or from the dog or cat scratching at the ear. The itchy ear can result from ear mites, allergies, infections or foreign matter in the ear canal. Frequent scratching at the ear, or even vigorous shaking of the head, can result in a rupture of small blood vessels beneath the skin of the pinna. Since there is little strength or depth to the tissues of the ear flap, clotting may be delayed... especially if the dog or cat continues to upset the clotting by additional self trauma.

Tucker has had chronic ear infections almost his entire 8 years on this planet. This is the first time this hematoma thing has happened. My cousin, Cori, is a Veterinarian in Sacremento, so she told me exactly how to drain his ear and what antibiotics to give him. Since I work in a doctors office, I had access to all the supplies we needed. So each night for about a week, Brian and I would hold Tucker down on the kitchen floor and drain his ear...yes, I stuck a SCALPEL into his ear! We thought it was going to be fixed in no time at all. But each time we did it, it would be filled back up again by the next morning. So after phone calls to my cousin and to numerous vet hospitals, our only option was to take him in for surgery this morning.

Breanna and I dropped Tucker off at the Banfield Pet Hospital (located inside Petsmart) at 7am this morning. We picked him up tonight after work. He looked like a drunk walking around, running in to the wall at home, or just STARING at the wall. He will be on quite the concoction of medications for the next 10 days also. We have to take him back in every 3 days so they can change his bandage. All 30 (yes, 30!) stitches will come out in 2 weeks.

Here are some pictures of our guy from tonight after we got home.

For anyone that needs a new Vet or if youever have to take your dog to the hospital...I HIGHLY recommend Banfield!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Papa-D's visit

We had a great 6 days with my dad and "Papa-D". I just wanted to share a few picutres that we took while he was here. We miss him already!

See you in a few months Papa-D!

Thursday, February 5, 2009


Well, we made it...another year down. Bree turned 3 years old yesterday! We spent the last 6 days with my dad here from Tahoe, it was so much fun! Bree sure loves her "Papa-D". For her birthday party we tooka bunch of kids to Charlie's Safari Fun house. I am pretty sure all the kids had a blast...and I am pretty sure the parents were all exhausted form chasing their kids around...(thanks for your patience guys!) Bree was so tired, she fell asleep within 30 seconds of getting in the car. For some reason, the pictures that I took at the birthday party are not on my camera, so I will post those pics when my dad emails the pictures he took with his camera. Then, on her REAL birthday (yesterday, the 4th), we met Ang and Mackenzie at Chuck E Cheese. They had a lot of fun there too! THEN, if that wasn't enough already, we took Bree to Red Robin for her birthday dinner. I wasn't too sure if she would like the whole "Red Robin Birthday Song" or not, but she was quite the trooper. She just stood there in awe as they handed her balloons and an ice cream sundae and let them sing to her. Here is a little video of that...